In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to leverage our Scraper API to extract property listings with filter.


  • MrScraper console account.
  • MrScraper API token that you can get by following the steps here.


In this example, we’ll scrape property with type land from Ballarat - Greater Region, VIC.

Follow the steps below to use our Scraper API:

  1. Use the request body below:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
    "name": " Scraper",
    "locations": [
        "Ballarat - Greater Region, VIC"
    "including_surrounding_areas": false,
    "only_show_properties_with_a_price": true,
    "channel": "buy",
    "property_types": [
    "landsize_minimum": "any",
    "landsize_maximum": "1000"
  1. Replace Authorization with your API token.
  2. The above request body will return the following JSON response:
    "message": "Scraping queued successfully",
    "scraper": {
        "id": 3973,
        "name": " Scraper",
        "url": [
        "urls": [
        "scheduled": false,
        "schedule": null,
        "created_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z"
    "results": [
            "scraping_run_id": 378187,
            "user_id": 5573,
            "scraper_name": " Scraper",
            "scrapped_url": "Default",
            "scraped_url": "Default",
            "scraper_id": 3973,
            "status": "running",
            "updated_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z",
            "created_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z",
            "id": 1172482,
            "scraper": {
                "id": 3973,
                "user_id": 5573,
                "sharing": false,
                "share_uuid": null,
                "name": " Scraper",
                "type": "real_estate_com_au",
                "urls": "Default",
                "pdf_urls": "Default",
                "ai_prompt": null,
                "ai_scope": null,
                "headers": null,
                "cookies": null,
                "user_agent": null,
                "disabled_resources": null,
                "delay": 0,
                "html_wanted": false,
                "screenshot_wanted": false,
                "screenshot_type": null,
                "locale": null,
                "scheduled": false,
                "cron": null,
                "cron_timezone": "UTC",
                "paginate": 0,
                "pagination_type": null,
                "infinite_pagination_type": null,
                "infinite_pagination_seconds": null,
                "infinite_pagination_text": null,
                "infinite_pagination_css_selector": null,
                "infinite_pagination_n_selector": null,
                "load_more_selector": null,
                "pagination_query_parameter": null,
                "pagination_next_page_selector": null,
                "pagination_limit_type": null,
                "pagination_max_page": null,
                "max_next_page": null,
                "pagination_max_variable": null,
                "created_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z",
                "updated_at": "2024-10-23T10:45:55.000000Z",
                "cron_minutes": "*",
                "cron_minutes_n_detail": null,
                "cron_minutes_x_detail": null,
                "cron_hours": "*",
                "cron_hours_n_detail": null,
                "cron_hours_x_detail": null,
                "cron_day_of_month": "*",
                "cron_day_of_month_x_detail": null,
                "cron_month": "*",
                "cron_month_x_detail": null,
                "cron_day_of_week": "*",
                "cron_day_of_week_x_detail": null,
                "click_action_enabled": false,
                "click_action_selector": null,
                "click_action_wait": "no",
                "workflow": [
                        "type": "query",
                        "data": {
                            "channel": "buy",
                            "localities": [
                                    "searchLocation": "Ballarat - Greater Region, VIC"
                            "filters": {
                                "propertyTypes": [
                                "surroundingSuburbs": false,
                                "excludeNoDisplayPrice": false,
                                "landSize": {
                                    "maximum": "1000"
                "version": 2,
                "proxy_type": "rotation",
                "proxy_host": null,
                "proxy_port": null,
                "proxy_username": null,
                "proxy_password": null,
                "parsers": null,
                "deleted_at": null,
                "external_auth": null
  1. To get the result you can use this API.