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- Shopee scraper
Run Shopee Scraper Syncronously
Scrape product from shopee website easily and quickly.
In this example, we’ll demonstrate how to leverage our Shopee Scraper API to extract product details (currently only support for product detail).
Simple Example
- MrScraper console account.
- MrScraper API token that you can get by following the steps here.
In this example, we’ll scrape product details from shopee taiwan.
Follow the steps below to use our Shopee Scraper API:
- Use the request body below:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--data '{
"url": "",
- Replace Authorization with your API token.
- The above request body will return the following JSON response:
"success": true,
"message": "URL scrapped",
"data": {
"bff_meta": null,
"error": null,
"error_msg": null,
"data": {
"item": {
"item_id": 4420309814,
"shop_id": 10115139,
"item_status": "normal",
"status": 1,
"item_type": 0,
"reference_item_id": "",
"title": "瓦厝家-綠的抗菌沐浴露(洋梨與小蒼蘭)1000ml",
"image": "c1e492d27fca200d8c7bb570932cc5a0",
"label_ids": [
1007880, 844931064601283, 822059780857868,
844931086908638, 1400285049, 1717998011, 1818787,
1718088130, 1853606
"is_adult": false,
"is_preview": false,
"flag": 196608,
"is_service_by_shopee": false,
"condition": 1,
"cat_id": 100630,
"has_low_fulfillment_rate": false,
"is_live_streaming_price": null,
"currency": "TWD",
"brand": "GREEN 綠的",
"brand_id": 1124792,
"show_discount": 0,
"ctime": 1584632364,
"item_rating": {
"rating_star": 5
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"has_model_with_available_shopee_stock": false,
"shop_location": "高雄市大樹區",
"attributes": [
"name": "質地",
"value": "液",
"id": 100036,
"is_timestamp": false,
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"val_id": 708,
"url": null,
"brand_id": null,
"full_url": null,
"type": null
"name": "產地",
"value": "台灣",
"id": 100037,
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"val_id": 112,
"url": null,
"brand_id": null,
"full_url": null,
"type": null
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"invoice_option": null,
"is_category_failed": null,
"is_prescription_item": false,
"preview_info": null,
"show_prescription_feed": false,
"is_alcohol_product": false,
"is_infant_milk_formula_product": false,
"is_unavailable": false,
"is_partial_fulfilled": false,
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"is_presale_deposit_item": null,
"is_presale_deposit_made": null,
"description": "綠的抗菌沐浴露-洋梨小蒼蘭1000ml\n*清新洋梨精華搭配小蒼蘭\n*綻放的花香,清新優雅溫暖迷人\n*溫和潔淨肌膚,洗後清新舒服\n*溫和抗菌,保護肌膚健康\n\n綠的抗菌沐浴露-蘋果玫瑰1000ml\n*萃取完熟蘋果及盛開玫瑰花精華\n*修護柔嫩肌膚,展現明亮白皙緊緻\n*溫和潔淨肌膚,洗後清新舒服\n*溫和抗菌,保護肌膚健康\n#中國化學製藥 #中化 #綠的 #抗菌 #沐浴露 #洋梨小蒼蘭 #蘋果玫瑰",
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"name": "",
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"can_use_wholesale": false,
"wholesale_tier_list": [],
"price": 16900000,
"raw_discount": 0,
"hidden_price_display": null,
"price_min": 16900000,
"price_max": 16900000,
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"user_id": null,
"is_new_user": null,
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"state": "臺北市",
"city": "中正區",
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"address": null,
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"sorted_variation_image_index_list": [],
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"installment_info": null,
"spl_installment_info": null,
"pack_size": "",
"hide_price": false,
"price": {
"single_value": 16900000,
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"lowest_past_price": null,
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"flash_sale_preview": null,
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"exclusive_price": null,
"exclusive_price_cta": null,
"product_meta": {
"show_lowest_price_guarantee": false,
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"show_best_price_guarantee": false,
"show_official_shop_label_in_title": false,
"show_shopee_verified_label": true,
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"product_review": {
"rating_star": 5,
"rating_count": [2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2],
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"insurance": null,
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"type": "no_shipping_channel",
"warning_msg": "沒有適用的物流選項, 請與賣家聯繫確認"
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"coin_earn_items": [],
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"type": 7
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"val_id": null,
"url": "/search?brands=1124792",
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"url": null,
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"val_id": null,
"url": null,
"brand_id": null,
"full_url": null,
"type": 5
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"value": "高雄市大樹區",
"id": null,
"is_timestamp": null,
"brand_option": null,
"val_id": null,
"url": null,
"brand_id": null,
"full_url": null,
"type": 6
"categories": [
"catid": 11041691,
"display_name": "美妝保養",
"no_sub": false,
"is_default_subcat": false
"catid": 11046833,
"display_name": "身體清潔、保養",
"no_sub": false,
"is_default_subcat": false
"catid": 11046837,
"display_name": "沐浴乳",
"no_sub": true,
"is_default_subcat": false
"related_items": []
"shop_detailed": {
"shopid": 10115139,
"userid": 10116436,
"last_active_time": 1732066234,
"vacation": false,
"place": "高雄市大樹區",
"account": {
"portrait": "9dc3084bfd433e621260990bc369c4a4",
"username": "watrohouse",
"status": 1
"is_shopee_verified": true,
"is_preferred_plus_seller": false,
"is_official_shop": false,
"shop_location": "高雄市大樹區",
"item_count": 382,
"rating_star": 4.968159,
"response_rate": 88,
"session_info": null,
"name": "🏠瓦厝家柑仔店",
"ctime": 1474291188,
"response_time": 1774,
"follower_count": 395,
"show_official_shop_label": false,
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"rating_good": 4945,
"rating_normal": 24,
"session_infos": null,
"status": 1,
"is_individual_seller": null,
"is_mart": false,
"favorite_shop_info": null,
"is_3pf": false,
"sold_total": null,
"is_shopee_choice": false,
"is_high_end": false,
"banner": {
"shopee_choice": null
"authorized_brand": null,
"is_scs": false
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"abnormal_popup": null,
"return_on_spot": null,
"display_sections": {
"add_on_deal": null,
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"free_return": null,
"coin": null,
"wholesale": null
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"tax_disclaimer": null,
"alcohol_disclaimer": null,
"design_control": {
"use_new_revamp_first_screen": null,
"display_on_time_delivery_guarantee": false,
"disable_price_with_variation": true,
"display_direct_delivery": false,
"use_new_featured_video_revamp": null,
"first_screen_revamp_abtest_group": null,
"display_choice_customised_section": false,
"is_support_fbs_enabled": false,
"top_section_featured_video_ab_test_group": null,
"enable_ksp_config": null
"shopee_free_return": null,
"detail_level": 0,
"removed_fields": null,
"size_guide": null,
"designer_info": null,
"shipping_info": null,
"vehicle_compatibility_info": null,
"nea": null,
"button_group": {
"buy_with_voucher": null
"installment_drawer": null,
"ongoing_banner": null,
"teaser_banner": null,
"price_breakdown": null,
"membership_exclusive": null,
"membership_exclusive_teaser": null
- If you use the api with this simple example, you will get the product details from the shopee website for 20-30 seconds per request.
We have code examples for you want to scrape shopee product details in large quantities. Here the examples using javascript:
Expert Example
- Node.js installed on your machine.
- MrScraper API token that you can get by following the steps here.
- Install following package by running the following command:
npm install axios p-limit
- Add type module to your package.json
{ of your package.json,
"type": "module"
- Create a file named
in the same directory as the script with the following content:
- Create a file named
in the same directory as the script with the following content:
import fs from "fs";
import axios from "axios";
import pLimit from "p-limit";
import https from "https";
// Configure HTTPS agent for persistent connections
const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true, maxSockets: 600 });
axios.defaults.httpsAgent = httpsAgent;
// Configure concurrency limit
const limit = pLimit(600); // keep our system busy with 600 concurrent requests
// Define results directory
const RESULTS_DIR = "results";
const FAILED_DIR = "failed";
// Ensure the results and failed directories exist
[RESULTS_DIR, FAILED_DIR].forEach((dir) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
// Custom error class for request failures
class RequestError extends Error {
constructor(message, details) {
this.details = details; = "RequestError";
(async () => {
try {
// Load URLs from file
const urls = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("api_urls.json", "utf-8"));
console.log(`Total URLs to process: ${urls.length}`);
const results = [];
// Function to post data
const postData = async (url, index) => {
try {
const response = await
{ url },
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>",
timeout: 30 * 60 * 1000, // 30 minutes
// Save response to results and file
const filePath = `${RESULTS_DIR}/${index + 1}.json`;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); // simulate saving to file, you can adjust this to save to a database or other storage
console.log(`Response saved for URL index ${index}: ${filePath}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error for URL ${url} index ${index}: ${error.message}`);
if (error.response) {
console.error(`Status: ${error.response.status}`);
console.error(`Response: ${JSON.stringify(}`);
throw new RequestError("Request failed", {
throw new RequestError("Request failed", { url, error });
// Map URLs to limited concurrent requests
const requests =, index) =>
limit(() => postData(url, index)),
// Wait for all requests to complete
const responses = await Promise.allSettled(requests);
// Filter results into successful and failed requests
const failedRequests = responses.filter((res) => res.status === "rejected");
const successfulRequests = responses.filter(
(res) => res.status === "fulfilled",
// Log summary
console.log(`- Total requests: ${urls.length}`);
console.log(`- Successful: ${successfulRequests.length}`);
console.log(`- Failed: ${failedRequests.length}`);
// Save failed requests to files
failedRequests.forEach((res, idx) => {
const filePath = `${FAILED_DIR}/${idx + 1}.json`;
if (res.reason instanceof RequestError) {
console.error(`Failed request (index ${idx}):`, res.reason);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, JSON.stringify(res.reason.details, null, 2));
console.log("Script completed successfully.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("An unexpected error occurred:", error.message);
Make sure to change <YOUR_API_TOKEN>
with your MrScraper API token.
- Run the script by running the following command:
node shopee_scraper.js
- The script will scrape the URLs from the
file and save the results to theresults
directory. The script will also log the status of each request to the console.
With this example, you can scrape product details from shopee website easily and quickly. You can also adjust the concurrency limit and timeout as needed to optimize the scraping process.
This example demonstrates how to use our Shopee Scraper API to extract product details from shopee website in a large scale. You can adjust the script as needed to suit your specific requirements.