
The Scheduler tab in Mr.Scraper is where you configure when and how frequently your web scraper should run. This feature is useful for automating the scraping process on a recurring schedule, so you don’t have to initiate it manually every time.

Use the Scheduler

To use the scheduler feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Toggle the Scheduler slider in the Schedule tab.

  1. Specify the scheduler configurations:
Schedule ScraperA toggle switch to enable or disable the scheduling. When enabled, the scraper will run automatically based on the set schedule.
TimezoneDefines the timezone that the scheduler follows. By default, it is set to UTC, but you can change it to any other timezone.
MinutesDetermines the minute intervals the scraper will run. You can set it to run every minute, every 5 minutes, or select specific minutes of the hour.
HoursSets the hourly interval at which the scraper will run. Options include every hour or specific hours of the day (e.g., 12:00 PM, 6:00 AM).
Days of MonthAllows you to choose the specific days of the month when the scraper will run (e.g., the 1st, 15th), or you can set it to run every day of the month.
MonthsSpecifies the months when the scraper should run. You can select every month, or limit it to specific months like January, April, etc.
Days of WeekDetermines the days of the week the scraper will run. Options include every day of the week or specific days like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Schedule SummaryA dynamic summary that updates based on your selections, providing a clear overview of the final schedule (e.g., “Your schedule will run every minute”).

  1. Click Save Changes to save the configuration.